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Making your Representatives and Senators aware of the negative impact and harm the current regulations are causing you and your business is critical to ensuring these bills receive the attention and action they deserve.
Your Senators and Representatives want to hear from you, and a brief two-minute call to their office with a staff member is a fast and effective way to raise this awareness. The reason for each call is noted, tallied, and put in front of your Representative or Senator on a daily or weekly basis.
The more your Representatives and Senators see how much of a concern this issue is to their constituency, the quicker it will gain their attention.
Click here for a guide on how to reach and what to say to your Representatives and Senators, and click in the following links to find the Representatives and Senators in your state.
ABGl is part of a larger group of voices on this issue. In addition to ABGI — on behalf of our affected clients — others urging Congress to reverse this harmful tax change include: